To identify effective intervention models for reducing the abuse of child domestic workers (CDWs) in Liberia, The Freedom Fund partnered with NORC at the University of Chicagofor the research project “Tackling Exploitative Child Domestic Work in West Africa”, funded by the U.S. Department of State’s Office to Combat and Monitor Trafficking in Persons. As part of the project, we have produced the report Behind Closed Doors: Measuring the Scale and Nature of Exploitative Child Domestic Work in Liberia. The study involved a literature review, interviews with stakeholders, and focus groups with CDWs, followed by a population survey of 1,088 CDWs and 595 employers/caregivers in urban Montserrado and Nimba counties.
Key findings reveal that while child domestic work may provide some benefits, 94.9% of CDWs endure conditions classified as the Worst Forms of Child Labour, and 63.1% qualify for human trafficking under U.S. guidelines. Most CDWs are related to their employers and often lack awareness of their legal protections. There is a shared consensus among employers and CDWs on the critical need for education and training. Recommendations include strengthening legislation against exploitation, improving protective measures, expanding vocational training, and enhancing collaboration with civil society and local communities to raise awareness and support for CDWs.
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