Deepika Reddy Allana joined the Freedom Fund in 2018 as a Program Manager. She worked for five years, including living and working in New Delhi, India where she led a team managing the Freedom Fund’s Rajasthan hotspot — a multi-faceted program aimed to reduce child trafficking. It brought together NGO partners, government, businesses, and local communities, to collaborate, and focus on systemic change and sustainability, and has had proven results.
Since 2023, Deepika has been managing Freedom Fund programs in Ethiopia, Liberia and Nigeria, with a focus on reducing the exploitation of child domestic workers. She has a breadth of experience in designing, building and overseeing social sector projects, from inception to endline, including working closely with grassroots partners. She is currently based in the Washington, D.C. metro area.
Previously, Deepika worked at ICF International as the Anti-Human Trafficking Team Leader for the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office for Victims of Crime Training and Technical Assistance Center. She oversaw, executed and monitored a multi-faceted capacity building program for anti-human trafficking NGOs.
Deepika has worked for several NGOs in Washington, D.C. as a public policy attorney, advocating on issues related to human trafficking, women’s reproductive health and gender. She started her career practicing intellectual property law for six years at large corporate law firms.
Deepika holds a Bachelor’s Degree from Tufts University in Psychology and Public Health, and a law degree from Boston University.