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We build evidence and share knowledge about what works. Our research — which is rooted in the realities of frontline organisations, survivors and community members — seeks to identify what is needed to tackle modern slavery at national, regional and global levels.

Overview (2014-2024)

119 Reports published

68 Research partners

22 Prevalence studies published


Featured report: Labour rights in Indonesia’s seafood sector

The Freedom Fund commissioned a study with the Sydney Southeast Asia Centre at the University of Sydney in late 2022 aimed at providing insights and recommendations to bolster the efforts of partners working in Indonesia’s seafood sector. The study outlines labour organising models in Indonesia, focusing on informal and/or migrant workers, and identifies promising approaches for worker mobilisation adaptable to the seafood sector. It also examines the existing scope of work of the partners to explore new approaches for mobilisation and recommends collaborative approaches to strengthen programmatic impacts.

Slavery Research Bulletin

The Freedom Fund shares the newest research from leading experts and organisations in the anti-slavery sector through our Research Bulletin.  Sign up to receive the monthly bulletin!

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Research library

The Freedom Fund manages the largest research library on modern slavery, which is updated monthly with reports, academic journals, books and tools from around the world.

Search the library for anti-slavery resources from across the globe, or make a suggestion.

Monitoring and Evaluation of Trafficking in Persons

If you are an expert in monitoring, evaluation, and research in the anti-trafficking sector, we are pleased to introduce you the Monitoring and Evaluation of Trafficking in Persons (METIP) community of practice.

The global network of METIP members meets quarterly to share best practices, brainstorm ideas and strategies, and solve problems together to help increase the body and quality of evidence underpinning counter trafficking programs and policies. We are always looking to connect with more professionals working in our field.

If you believe you belong in METIP please apply to join!