Jiyam Shrestha joined the Freedom Fund in June 2019 as a program advisor for the central Nepal hotspot. He has more than 22 years of experience in various capacities with different organisations. Jiyam worked as a child protection program coordinator at Terre des hommes Foundation Nepal from April 2015 to July 2018 and worked against the issue of commercial sexual exploitation of children in the adult entertainment sector in Nepal and risky migration of children and youths. He also worked as a co-chair and chair of the AIN Child Protection Working Group (January 2017-July 2018).
Prior to that, he worked as a program manager at Concern for Children and Environment Nepal (CONCERN Nepal) from 2003 to 2014 and Program Officer from 1996 to 2003 and implemented different projects targeting the worst forms of child labour in Nepal.
Jiyam has engaged in a number of campaigns against child labour and modern slavery in Nepal mobilising various network organisations. He worked as the chairperson of a network organisation consortium of organisations for child participation and worked for the development of a Child Friendly Constitution in Nepal. He also worked as a vice chairperson of the National Alliance of Organisations for Street Children (NAOSC) to contribute to the rehabilitation of street children in Kathmandu. He worked as a co-chair of the National Action and Coordination Group (NACG) for the South Asia Initiative to End Violence against Children (SAIEVAC), an Apex body of SAARC.
Jiyam holds a Master’s degree in economics.