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2018 Annual Impact Report

April 23, 2019

We are proud to share the Freedom Fund’s achievements in our Annual Impact Report, incorporating data for the whole of 2018. In five years, working with our courageous frontline partners, we’ve directly liberated over 20,000 people vulnerable to slavery, helped get more than 46,000 at-risk children back in school and directly and positively impacted on half a million women, men and children in slavery or at risk of it.

More importantly, we and our partners are working together to promote policies that protect millions of the world’s most vulnerable people, hold governments and business to account, and change the underlying systems that allow slavery to persist.

Looking ahead to the next five years, we will redouble our efforts to achieve a measurable reduction in the scourge of modern slavery by identifying the most impactful interventions, mobilising the resources to implement them and ensuring that governments have the will to act. A world free of slavery remains the Freedom Fund’s vision, and we thank all of you for your commitment and generous support as we pursue it.


Written by
The Freedom Fund